Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes especially in the way you perceive different kinds of food. Food cravings are mostly nothing but bizarre although sometimes they might indicate a more serious problem.
There are a couple of theories regarding food cravings. Estrogens and progesterone undoubtedly play a role here. They are believed to change the perception of different tastes. Along with food cravings come food aversions. They are thought to protect the fetus from potentially harmful substances.
Some nutritionists believe that certain cravings are linked to vitamin or mineral deficiencies. For example, if you crave chocolate, you might need more magnesium or vitamin B. If you’re hungry for ice cream or dairy products, then you might be deficient in calcium.
An interesting fact is that very few pregnant women crave healthy foods like fruit and vegetables. A craving for peaches might be a sign of beta carotene deficiency.
Excessive weight during pregnancy is a serious issue that can lead to a whole list of complications. Most food cravings are for “unhealthy “, high-calorie foods. This can lead to you overeating without even realizing it. Although we strongly believe in indulging in your cravings, it should be done in moderation. That’s why more and more future moms consult with a nutritionist for a personalized dietary plan.
In some rare occasions, pregnant women crave non-food items like ice, dirt or nails. This is a dangerous condition, prompting to a severe iron deficiency and anemia. If you find yourself in such a situation, please, tell your OBGYN immediately so that they can start treatment.
If you crave sweets, it’s a girl. If you crave savory or sour foods, it’s a boy. Of course, this is just an old wives’ tale. Today ultrasound can tell you the sex of your baby quite easily. Whether food preferences can really work in this way, is up to you to say.