New Life Clinic with open meeting forum and individual consultations about in vitro procedure with donor eggs in the city of Varna
Reproductive Medical Center «New Life» presents its egg donation program in the city of Varna.
The event will be held on January the 29th (Saturday) 2022 at 11 am at the Roslin Dimyat Hotel — Conference Hall “Enira”.
For more information and to request attendance, please call 0879084777. Places are limited due to the imposed pandemic measures.
All couples who visit the open day will have the opportunity for free consultations with our manager of the donor program and Dr. Darina Davidova, immediately after the official part of the event. The meeting will be also attended by the executive director of MediCover, of which the clinic is an official representative for the country.
New Life Clinic is an exclusive partner of MediCover for Bulgaria, providing a program that meets all the requirements and rules of the Ministry of Health and the Executive Agency for Transplantation.
The program is aimed at women who do not respond well enough to hormonal stimulation due to their age or insufficient ovarian reserve. It also allows to choose a suitable donor from a list of diverse information about physical characteristics such as height, weight, natural hair color and more. All donors undergo rigorous screening by a qualified geneticist, who takes a detailed history of both the donor and her family members. We are convinced that even those of you with specific requirements will be able to find the right donor.
“New Life” is the first in-vitro center in Bulgaria to transfer know-how from Israel in the field of assisted reproductive technologies to the Bulgarian market. The clinical practices in the center follow the model established by its consultants Prof. Neri Laufer and Dr. Anat Safran, who are involved in determining the diagnosis and method of treatment for each patient. The satellite center of the clinic in the city of Burgas has been operating for two years now, providing a full range of services and reproductive care to all patients in the region.