News headlines are primarily for the spread of coronavirus-COVID-19. Although, day after day, we learn more about the nature of the virus, there is still much that remains to be discovered. Medical teams all around the world share information and work together to limit the spread of the virus as much as possible.
With the increasing number of confirmed COVID-19 (Coronavirus) cases worldwide and globally, patients with renal failure, who are more susceptible to infection, should follow the personal care tips and to be up-to-date of the dynamically changing situation with COVID-19.
Prevention, protection, screening and isolation measures are essential to limit the epidemic level and must be taken seriously by each of us.
— Wash your hands. This is one of the best ways to prevent the disease and spread of germs. You should do this for at least 20 seconds.
— Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. Do not cough in your hands and use tissue if possible.
— Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. It’s easy to say, but difficult to implement
— Avoid touching surfaces in public
— Avoid greeting people with a handshake, a hug, or a kiss
— Stay home. If you are sick, stay home. If you have traveled to another country where the coronavirus is confirmed or have been with someone who has a confirmed coronavirus case, you will need to be quarantined.
— Contact your doctor if you feel unwell. The main symptoms of a coronavirus are: fever, cough and shortness of breath
We are constantly monitoring the situation to ensure that our preventative measures are sufficient for a global pandemic.
We take this very seriously, we carefully monitor the situation and update our information in its dynamic global changes.
Our primary responsibility is to protect the health and well-being of our patients and the medical team, as well as to prevent the spread of the infection in our center.