Open Day, entitled “Can I afford IVF?”

New Life fertility center, Plovdiv, had an Open Day, entitled “Can I afford IVF?”. “Zhachatie” Association, represented by dr Mariela Daskalova, Foundation “Iskam Bebe”, represented by Vera Vuldjeva and the team of New Life discussed in detail the following topics:

  • Who can take advantage of the financing provided by the Center for Assisted Reproduction (the so called Fund “In Vitro”)? What will be the changes introduced in the beginning of 2018?
  • What financial support would different municipalities provide?
  • What would be the future charity campaigns of Foundation “Iskam Bebe”, Association “Zachatie” and “New Life” fertility center?

We would like to thank everyone present at the event for the questions and the informative discussion which took place because of them.


Why is it good for both you and your child?

Dear friends, breastfeeding is a very relevant topic, which we write about in order to show you how it is good not only for your baby but also for you.

  1. Strengthens immunity. Babies are born extremely vulnerable to infections. That is why colostrum (the first milk produced by the mammary glands) is the richest in antibodies that protect against infections and allergies. Unlike the numerous formulas for babies, breast milk changes its constitution to match the needs of the baby. Colostrum (the first breast milk produced), for example, is richer in protein and contains fewer sugars than the breastmilk which you start producing 3-4 days after birth. This breast milk in turn contains more sugars and calories, and is higher in quantity, which corresponds to the baby’s increasing calorie needs.
  2. Prevents chronic diseases. There is a link between breastfeeding and the likelihood of developing diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and Crohn’s disease later in life.
  3. Healthy weight for both of you! Babies suck as much breastmilk as they need. This creates the habit of not overeating. The mother loses up to 500 extra calories a day while breastfeeding.
  4. Faster recovery. During breastfeeding, the hormone oxytocin is released, which reduces bleeding after delivery and helps the uterus return to its normal size faster. Oxytocin, also called the “hormone of love”, helps build a strong bond between mother and baby.

Breastfeeding gives your baby the ultimate superfood and gets you on the fastest route to recovery after pregnancy. Enjoy it together with your baby!

Promotional price for CASA until the end of 2017

Computer Assisted Spermogram (CASA)  semen analysis – 80 lev , until the end of 2017 at New Life clinic.


CASA is an automated system for sperm analysis which makes use of software for the evaluation of sperm concentration, motility and morphology. The main advantage of CASA is that it eliminates the subjectivity associated with the human factor in manual semen analysis, thereby allowing for better standardization of the procedure. Furthermore, the software counts the spermatozoa more accurately, can calculate and record their exact speed and movement trajectory as well as the dimensions of their heads, midpieces and tails for more accurate morphology evaluation. Using computer assisted sperm analysis also allows better visualization of the results, which aids patient understanding.


Regular semen analysis is recommended in two cases.

It is recommended for patients whose previous semen analysis reported very low sperm concentration or motility. In such cases manual analysis gives more accurate result.

The second case refers to patients for whom this is the 1st semen analysis. In this case manual semen analysis is quite sufficient and it is always good to start with a regular semen analysis.

In all other cases patients receive more and more accurate and visual information from a CASA.

Donor egg Program

Donor eggs program at Clinic «New Life»

August 23, 2016 from 17:30 Clinic New Life

Medical Center of Reproductive Health \»New Life\» launched a donor egg program with oocytes from abroad. The program meets all the requirements of the Department of Health and the Executive Agency for Transplantation.

The program allows you to select from a donor database, which can fully meet your requirements. You can see photos of the donors as children, hair colour, eyes, height, education, blood group and others.

On  August 23, 2016 at 17:30 pm at New Life Clinic there will be open day  especially for couples who need or are interested in proceeding with donor eggs will be able to receive complete information on the program and to receive free consultation from Prof.Neri Laufer and Dr. Dobrinka Petrova.

We ask all couples wishing to declare the presence of tel. 032/693 693 or free phone 0800 13 006, where they will receive information on opportunities for counseling.

Because of the great interest and the limited number of hours of consultation, we advise you to book an appointment as soon as possible. All attendees couples in open day on \»Donor program eggs\» who fail to book a consultation with Prof.. Neri Laufer will receive a free consultation with our specialists at  clinic \»New Life\».

Program of the event:

Opening by Dr. Dobrinka Petrova

Prof. Neri Laufer — lecture on \»The need for donated eggs in the global dimension\»

Assoc. Prof. Rumen Dimitrov / chief embryologist at New Life Clinic / — will talk about the donor program of New Life, legislation in Bulgaria, the EU and beyond. Will present solutions to problems associated with donor eggs in Bulgaria.

Open day at New Life «CAN I AFFORD IVF?»

11 November 2017 / Saturday / at 11:00 — Open Day at New Life Fertility Center The topic discussed at the Open Day will be «Can I afford IVF?»

At the Open Day the medical director of «New Life» Dr. Dobrinka Petrova, a representative of Association «Zachatie» Dr. Mariela Daskalova and a representative of the «Iskam bebe» Foundation Vera Vuldjeva will present. They will answer your questions about funding opportunities for in vitro procedures in Bulgaria:

  • Who can benefit from the funding of the National Center for Assisted Reproduction (so-called In Vitro Fund) and how? What will the changes and innovations be in its work from 2018?
  • Financial support for patients from the Municipal Funds for couples with reproductive problems
  • Financial support from Non-Governmental Organizations – Foundation “Iskam Bebe”, Association “Zachatie”, charity campaigns of New Life Fertility Center and the Financial program “Plan Bebe” from Piraeus Bank

We kindly ask all couples/patients who would like to come to confirm their attendance by calling 032/ 693 693, free number 0800 13 006 or our official Facebook Page,  where you would be able to receive full information about the event.

We look forward to seeing you!