Each season has its own diseases. In winter it is the peak of respiratory diseases, while in summer the most common are gastrointestinal infections and insect bites. This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we need to be even more careful about our health during our summer vacation.
They can be both viral and bacterial. They are most often associated with poor hygiene – improper storage or handling of food. Symptoms usually include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, and in children, fatigue and malaise.
Not every vacation needs to include such ailments, as their prevention is relatively easy. As with Covid-19, regular hand washing is extremely important. Since infection is mainly through food, choose very carefully where you eat. Nowadays, one can easily find reviews on the internet for almost any restaurant. In addition, dirty menus, toilets and tablecloths should be a “red flag” that hygiene in the kitchen is no different.
The most dangerous complication of these infections is dehydration associated with diarrhea and vomiting. Postpone your trips to the beach for 1-2 days, rest in a cool place and do not eat hard to digest, greasy food – if your condition worsens, it is best to visit the local medical center.
Wet swimsuits and synthetic fabrics are an excellent environment for the development of fungi and bacteria. Due to the nature of female anatomy, women significantly more susceptible to infections of the genitourinary system. Therefore, to save yourself from cystitis, we advise you to always change your wet swimsuit after swimming, as well as to drink plenty of fluids – more frequent urination “washes away” the bacteria.
The cause of this ailment is blocked sweat glands. The accumulation of sweat under your skin causes a rash and small, itchy bump. When the bumps break open and release sweat, many people feel an unpleasant prickly sensation on their skin. Anything you can do to stop profuse sweating will help you avoid developing this condition.
Tips that dermatologists give their patients to prevent excessive sweating include:
- Wearing light, loose cotton clothes.
- Training in the cooler parts of the day
- Keep your skin cool
Summer is the season of insects – mosquitoes, ticks, bees, flies, wasps and many more threaten to ruin our vacation or walk. Fortunately, in our country mosquitoes are not particularly dangerous, but their bites are unpleasant enough. It is assumed that light clothes, as well as the consumption of garlic could help repel them. Repellents remain the most reliable solution, and some of them also protect against ticks. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, be sure to check if the product is right for you!
Do not try to remove a tick by rotating it or using home remedies but seek medical attention. Your doctor will best explain to you whether antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary and what symptoms to watch out for in the coming days.