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Dance with me, mommy!

Dear friends, we’ve all read articles about celebrities who bounced back to their pre-pregnancy weight in like 2 weeks. This, however, is hardly possible for the rest of us as few have both a babysitter and a personal trainer and maybe even a personal chef. That is why we’d like to show you some easy at-home exercises which you can do with your baby!

You’ll need a yoga mat/carpet and a baby who can lift their head (4 months old).

1. Baby dancing – this is a very popular form of exercise. Play your favorite music and dance while holding your baby. This is a great warmup for you and your baby will feel very soothed.

2. Baby squats – instead of weights, use your baby. Complete 2 series x 25 repeats.

3. Plank pose – It is better than situps as it engages more muscle groups and won’t give you any neck or back pain. Try doing it in 15-45 sec intervals.

4. Pushups – support yourself on your knees rather than your toes until you get strong enough. Complete 3 series x 25 repeats.

5. Bridges – this is a classic move for your glutes. Complete 3 series x 30 reps.

Do not start working out before your Obstetrician Gynecologist gives you the green light. Nobody expects you to look like a supermodel right after you’ve given birth. Love your post-natal body with all of its imperfections as it is a reminder that you’ve given life to another human being.

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