At an official press conference in the town hall of the BTA Pazardzhik Mayor of Pazardzhik Mr. Todor Popov was awarded \”MISSION DAD\” from \”I want a baby.\” Foundation
The reason for the award was the celebration of the third anniversary of the program in the municipality of Pazardzhik and the good work among \”I want a baby\”, Pazardzhik Municipality and IVF clinics in the area, one of which is clinic \”New Life\”.
In the municipality of Pazardzhik there are already eight babies born in from \”in vitro\” for the past two years through municipality program financing, in 2015 four babies are expected. Also discussed were changes to the program in order to increase the budget and the funds that are allocated for infertile couples. At this stage the municipality of Pazardzhik assists couples with up to 3,000 (three thousand) BGN
\”New Life\” expressed its gratitude to Mr. Todor Popov and the municipal council of Pazardzhik for their social commitment and promised to do everything right medically and psychologically in order for the miracle of having a baby to happen.