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кафе и ин витро


Dear friends, most of you love the aroma and taste of coffee, but how it аffect over our body will be discussed in the following publication.

A cup of coffee in the morning?

Sure, but you have to be careful if you are trying to conceive.


According to a popular research article published in the prestigiousmedical journal the Lancet in 1988 “women who consumed more than the equivalent of one cup of coffee per day are half as likely to become pregnant, per cycle, as women who drank less”. This finding was explained by the fact that caffeine, present in coffee, tea and chocolate, is a vasoconstrictor (e.g. it makes your blood vessels constrict). This was thought to result in reduced blood supply to organs, including the uterus, which in turn meant lower chances of becoming pregnant.

The subject was further investigated in a number of research articles published more recently and none of them find scientific evidence for such a correlation between coffee and fertility. It has been proven, however, that women who consume more than 900 mg of caffeine per day are more likely to have an early abortion.

So, in conclusion, it would be wise to cut back on caffeine when you are trying to conceive. That way it would be easier for you to stay away from it once you are already pregnant.

What is the ALTERNATIVE?

Psychologists claim that decaffeinated coffee can work as a placebo and give you a boost of energy. In order to “trick” your brain, put decaf coffee in a “normal” coffee container. This way you can enjoy your drink without worrying it will affect your chances of getting pregnant.

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