Dear friends, in an in vitro fertilization procedure oocytes are extracted анд fertilized. Those that develop well can either be transferred to the uterus of the woman (the so-called fresh embryo transfer – usually on Day 3 or 5) or frozen and transferred later (frozen embryo transfer).
When are embryos frozen?
In an embryo transfer procedure (fresh or frozen), 1 to 3 embryos are returned to the uterus. The number of embryos to be returned depends on many factors like the age of the woman and the quality of the embryos. The decision is made by the treating physician together with the patient(s). If a patient has more good quality embryos than those returned in the fresh transfer, those embryos can be frozen. They are be warmed and transferred later in case the patient does not become pregnant from the fresh transfer or wants to become pregnant again. The frozen transfer gives the patient the chance to have a baby without going through every step of the IVF process once again. This saves a lot of time and money.
The procedure of embryo vitrification has been technologically perfected. That is why pregnancy rate from frozen embryo transfers is the same as pregnancy rate from fresh transfers.
Do not despair if you do not get pregnant from the fresh embryo transfer! If you have frozen embryos, use them!
A wonderful blog worth reading.Thanks for sharing this informative blog.
This is truly useful, thanks.
Thanks, it is quite informative