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The assumption that pregnant women should eat for two is history. Regular over-eating during pregnancy or in vitro fertilization can be a source of many health problems for both the mother and the fetus.


The short answer is “not much more than usual”. This means about 350 extra calories in the second trimester and 450 in the third. This explains why it’s so easy to overeat, especially with cravings for junk food and sweets.

Some people resort to high-calorie foods when stressed. Each IVF cycle is associated with many emotions and expectations. All of this tension can negatively affect both partners’ psyche, leading to episodes of stress eating.

New studies have shown that omega-6 fatty acids found in greasy and fried foods can cause depression. They have a pro-inflammatory effect on the body, leading to disturbances in the balance of the neurotransmitters responsible for our good mood. Therefore, comfort food makes us more depressed.


At any stage of our lives, we must strive to maintain an optimal weight. During pregnancy, women gain some kilograms. Most of them come from the fetus, the amniotic fluid, and the placenta. Only a small part should be in the form of fat tissue.

Being overweight during pregnancy poses many risks. These include gestational diabetes, leg pain, difficulty walking and development of varicose veins. The fetus also suffers – gestational diabetes leads to high levels of blood sugar and insulin in it. Normal birth for such babies is more traumatic because they are often overweight. There is also an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes at a later stage.


Prevention of gaining excess weight should begin before you become pregnant (naturally or by assisted reproduction). Very often, obesity with insulin resistance and hormonal imbalance are at the cause for infertility.

There is nothing wrong with some indulgence, as long as it is within normal limits. Eat often, but less to maintain a relatively constant blood sugar level. Keep a diary in which you record what you eat. Do not stop moving and do light workouts after permission from your gynecologist. And do not forget that pregnancy is the time when you have to eat twice as healthy, not twice as much!

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