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Dear Friends,

I would like to express my support to the campaign of NewLife Burgas for a Day for free in-vitro consultations and consultations about the Egg Donation Program of the clinic. On November 20th (Friday), all interested couples from Burgas and the region will be able to take advantage of free individual consultations with the reproductive specialist from the clinic Dr. Darina Davidova.

We all know how important is the dream of every woman to become a mother. Medical examinations made on time, prevention and trust in the doctor you have chosen are the key to your health and the realization of this dream!

I trusted New Life Clinic Burgas, a satellite center of NewLife Plovdiv, leading obstetrics and gynecology clinic for men and women’s intimate health and assisted reproduction, offering full range of specialized medical care to its patients. You can contact New Life Burgas by phone; +35956555599 or +359 879 084 777 or find them on Transportna Str. (behind Mall Plaza)

Be Healthy and Positive!

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