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Pregnancy is the period when taking care of your mental and physical comfort comes first!

Every woman strives for a problem-free pregnancy, although this is not always achievable. And again, if you are well informed and follow the advice of your obstetrician-gynecologist, this magical period should pass smoothly and as a result you will have a live and healthy baby.

In the following lines, we will pay attention to what future mothers should be careful and cautious about and how to continue the normal rhythm of life without worries.

The 9 months and the cosmetic products

While for some women pregnancy can be a prerequisite for healthy and glowing skin, in other cases the increased number of hormones during this period can have the opposite effect. Due to changing estrogen levels, it’s common for women to develop problem skin, even if they haven’t had problems with it before.

It is necessary to inform yourself about the content of cosmetic products before purchasing them

For example

– Retinoids – a type of vitamin A, they are usually found in anti-aging skin creams, anti-acne products, to treat age spots

– Beta hydroxyl acid (BHA) – contained in some cosmetic products for the treatment of dermatological problems, redness or inflammatory processes.

– Salicylic acid – part of the aspirin family, its purpose is to reduce redness and inflammation of the skin.

 – Parabens and phthalates – they are found in almost all cosmetic products – hair shampoos, lotions, creams, soaps

Even in minimal doses, toxic chemicals have the ability to penetrate the skin and mucous membranes, reaching the fetus through the womb. This, in turn, poses risks for your baby, and accordingly the cosmetics used must have a clean composition, without harmful and allergy-causing substances.

Focus on cosmetics with the purest composition and with components close to nature.

Medicines – the (non)dangerous necessity

Taking medicines without a doctor’s prescription during pregnancy is undesirable. The influence of medicinal products depends on the gestational age of the fetus, on the mechanism of their action, on the dosage and the general state of health of the pregnant woman. The risk for the baby is greatest during the first trimester, a period characterized by organogenesis. Treatment with inappropriate preparations during this period can cause congenital anomalies, early termination of pregnancy, retardation of fetal development, intrauterine death, congenital endocrine or other functional disorders.

Along with this, however, there are drug groups that are compatible with pregnancy and do not lead to subsequent problems in the overall development of the baby.

Medicinal preparations are divided into five groups depending on their effects on the fetus – A, B, C and D.

Category A are drugs that have been proven to be safe – folic acid, vitamin B6 and thyroid preparations (for the thyroid gland) in prescribed dosage.

Category B are medications allowed during pregnancy, including certain antibiotics, paracetamol, antacids, dexamethasone, ibuprofen (in low doses).

Category C – medicinal products for which the safety of use in humans has not been proven. This group includes ciprofloxacin, digoxin, furosemide, gentamicin, dexamethasone, omeprazole, etc.

Drugs in group D have a proven teratogenic effect in humans, but in the case of a life-threatening moment, their use is possible.

Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications – taken in low doses have no proven negative effect on the fetus.

The most suitable medication for pain and high temperature in pregnant women, which has no proven negative effects on fetal development, is paracetamol.

Food – the pleasure with which one must be careful

A healthy diet is recommended during pregnancy to ensure proper and optimal fetal development. The principle: “eat as if for two” is not suitable.

It is recommended to avoid the consumption of fried and spicy foods. The use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products is undesirable. The consumption of coffee and beverages containing caffeine should be discussed with the attending physician.

It is desirable to exclude from your menu the following:

– Unpasteurized products – their consumption can lead to listeria caused by the bacteria Listeria or toxoplasmosis; an infection caused by a parasite. This food group includes Brie, Camembert, French blue cheese. You can consume them after heat treatment.

– Foods containing raw eggs

– Fish and seafood with high levels of mercury

– Raw-dried sausages and meat products

The Internet is an inexhaustible source of information that can often lead to additional confusion or unnecessary panic. Always, if necessary, seek a competent opinion or advice from your attending physician regarding everything that concerns you in this very special moment for you, when the care for two is twice as great, and the questions even more!


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