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Every sixth couple, or 15% of the population, faces difficulties conceiving.

For Women’s Day – March the 8th, NewLife Clinic is launching a campaign aimed at women with reproductive problems.

On days – March 29th and 30th, we are announcing days of free consultations with our medical manager and reproductive specialist Dr. Dobrinka Petrova and our coordinators for in vitro and donor programs offered at the clinic.

You can book your appointment by calling 0879 084 777, where you will receive additional information about the campaign.

The initiative is suitable for couples with reproductive problems who need a professional opinion about already performed in vitro procedures, treatments or manipulations, as well as for women with a reduced or exhausted ovarian reserve who meet certain criteria and want a child. We will also be useful to all those seeking information on how to apply to the Center for Assisted Reproduction and the opportunities that the clinic offers for standard in vitro procedures and egg and sperm donor programs.

Your initial consultation will be with our medical manager, Dr. Dobrinka Petrova, and then all your administrative and organizational questions will be answered by the program coordinator.

Timely diagnosis and consultation with a specialist play an important role in dealing with reproductive problems.

We wish every lady longing for a child to fulfill her dream as soon as possible!

Happy Women`s Day!

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