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Първата година от живота на детето


This extremely dynamic period lays the foundation for good health for the future. One of the key components to ensure a healthy start is regular preventive examinations (child consultation) during the child’s first year. They play a vital role in monitoring child development, diagnosing potential problems early, and providing basic guidance on how to raise a child.

In this article, we will emphasize the essence of preventive examinations of children in their first year. Preventive examinations for children up to the age of 18 are regulated in the Children’s Health Program of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). They are completely free.

The first year of a child’s life is a remarkable journey filled with rapid growth, constant change and countless milestones.


It is imperative that parents choose a general practitioner (GP) for their child as soon as possible after birth.

To reduce stress, it is advisable to find out about your options before the birth. The initial selection of a general practitioner is carried out with the “Registration form for the initial selection of a general practitioner”, which can be printed from the website of the NHIF, and is filled in together with the relevant doctor. If the parents wish, the follow-up of the child’s health status until reaching the age of 18 can be carried out by a pediatrician. For this, a one-time referral from the GP is required. Despite this possibility, the child’s immunizations are carried out by the GP.


Until reaching the age of one month, the newborn has the right to two preventive examinations. The first must be done within 24 hours of discharge from the maternity ward, which explains why it is important to choose a doctor for the child as quickly as possible. If this has not happened, the first examination takes place within 24 hours after the choice of GP or pediatrician. During the first examination, a detailed anamnesis will be taken regarding the birth: how it went, were there any complications. Have the records from the maternity ward ready for your child’s doctor to review. The child will then be examined. You will be given guidance and advice on baby care – breastfeeding, hygiene, sleep, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, no one expects you to know everything about parenting. The second examination usually takes place 1-2 weeks after the first. According to the requirements, the baby is examined at home until the 28th day after birth.

FROM 1 MONTH TO 1 YEAR Your child is subject to a monthly preventive examination (child consultation).

Different activities are planned for each visit to the GP (examinations, immunizations according to the current Immunization Calendar, etc.). What they all have in common is that you will be questioned about the health of the child (taking an anamnesis), he will be examined, weighed, height, chest and head circumference will be measured. One of the most important components of a child’s consultation is the assessment of neuropsychological development. Through it, the doctor dynamically tracks the motor, speech and behavioral changes that are characteristic of the individual stages of child development.

AT 1 AND 4 MONTHS, the baby is subject to examination of the hip joints.

It aims at early detection of hip dysplasia. An examination by an orthopedist can be scheduled at discretion.

AT 6 MONTHS, an ultrasound of the baby’s excretory system is scheduled.

A general assessment of hearing and vision is performed. This is the time for the first preventive laboratory tests – blood and urine. If necessary, additional tests are appointed.

AT 1 YEAR laboratory tests are repeated.

Hearing and vision are again assessed. After reaching 1 year of age, child consultations are held at greater intervals. The described activities are the mandatory minimum determined by the competent institutions. If necessary, your child will be referred for relevant additional tests (laboratory, imaging, microbiological, etc.), as well as consultations with a specialist. Preventive examinations in the first year are indispensable in terms of timely diagnosis and solution of potential health problems. By investing in our children’s health from the very beginning, we not only protect their immediate well-being, but also lay the foundation for a fulfilling life.


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