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Dr. Dobrinka Petrova: To make dreams come true

New Life Invitro Centre helps people with reproductive problems to become parents

Between 15 and 20% of Bulgarians suffer reproductive problems. New Life Invitro Centre helps both women and men to understand the underlying reason, to treat it adequately and to become parents. The manager of the clinic, Dr Dobrinka Petrova, shares more about the challenge to help create new life.

-Reproductive medicine is a huge responsibility. How does the New Life Invitro Centre meet these high expectations?

-We, at New Life, understand that the creation of new life is a crucial moment for everyone. We aim at the highest standards in reproductive medicine in order to provide our patients with the best chances for success.

The clinic is equipped with modern technologies and has an experienced team of professionals who work with care and precision. Our approach towards treatment is personalized, focusing on each patient’s individual needs. Our goal is to offer the most competent and empathic support while at the same time maintaining high ethical standards and safety of the procedures.

-The physician’s professionalism or the top technologies – what is the most important factor for successful results?

-The successful results from reproductive medicine are an exciting harmony between the team’s professionalism and high technologies. We, at New Life, believe that the two components are entwined and equally important for successful results.

The team’s role is crucial for the diagnosis, planning and execution of treatment strategies. The experience and specialisation of physicians and embryologists create the foundation for the individual and personalised approach towards each patient.

The technological innovations and high technologies offer the tools and opportunities that help for the correct diagnosis and effective treatment. The modern methods of artificial fertilizations and molecular diagnosis improve the chances for successful fertilizations.

For 10 years now we have followed the Israeli practice, as these specialists are masters of modern medicine. We are the first, and so far only, clinic in Bulgaria that implemented know-how from Israel and successfully applied it – as evident from our incredibly high results in the field of in vitro treatment and infertility treatment.

-New Life also partners with international experts in reproductive medicine. Tell us more about your partnership with them?

-Our partnerships with foreign experts make a crucial part of our mission to help our patients in achieving their reproductive goals. Our partnerships allow us to exchange experience, to learn from the best practices and to implement the latest innovations in the field of reproductive medicine. This cooperation not only adds to our own knowledge and skills, but also allows us to offer to our patients the most advanced and effective treatment methods.






In our previous article, „Male Abstinence and Pregnancy,“ we talked about the fact that long-term abstinence in men is associated with increased percentage of sperm with fragmented DNA.

But what does DNA fragmentation actually mean? Which men should do a DNA fragmentation test?

The standard semen analysis provides information on the three main parameters measuring a man’s fertility – concentration, motility and morphology of sperm. However, the spermogram does not provide information on the percentage of sperm with fragmented DNA in the man’s semen. The integrity of the genetic material (DNA) of sperm can be disrupted due to the action of chemicals, smoking, high fever, free radicals released during normal metabolism, and others. High rates of DNA fragmentation (≥ 30%) are associated with poorer embryo quality and miscarriages.

Indications for research

The DNA fragmentation test is recommended for patients with normal spermogram parameters who, together with their partner are with uncleared infertility factor or have undergone multiple failed assisted reproductive procedures.

The test can also be performed on patients with abnormalities in the basic parameters examined in the spermogram. Although the cause of infertility in men described as a male factor is considered to be known, a DNA fragmentation test may be ordered at the discretion of the treating physician. This usually happens when there are more than 3 failed in vitro procedures or several miscarriages. The test is also recommended in case of preconditions in the men`s working environment such as exposure to chemicals, fever and examples.

In such cases, the detection of an increased percentage of sperm with fragmented DNA means that a change in lifestyle is needed. This includes not only avoiding working environment risk, but also leading a healthier lifestyle and consuming much more foods rich in antioxidants.

A test for DNA fragmentation of sperm is done with a pre-arranged appointment at the clinic, as the result is ready on the next day.



NephroLife Dialysis Center and New Life Clinic Burgas are the largest Israeli investment in the region of Burgas.

“NephroLife is the first dialysis center in Bulgaria to introduce the high-tech practices already applied in Israel in the sphere of dialysis and high-quality equipment and consumables of the global company Fresenius – Germany, specializing in life-saving technologies for infusion, transfusion and clinical nutrition”, said Ran Fuchs. He presented to the guests the dialysis center and the high-tech equipment which the clinic has.

„We also provide to our patients the opportunity to consult with world-renowned specialist with extensive experience in dialysis treatment. From the end of October, the clinic will also provide hemodiafiltration as part of the medical practices applied in the center, for which the clinic will provide brand new Fresenius 5008S machines „, shared Mr. Fuchs.

Ambassador Elron also got acquainted with in – vitro and gynecological center – New Life Clinic, which is a reproductive satellite center of New Life Clinic Plovdiv.

After the tour of „NephroLife“, in front of journalists, Ambassador Yoram Elron specified the areas in which future Israeli investments in Burgas will be developed – the IT sector, tourism, medical education and healthcare. He also pointed that until now, Israel has invested mainly in medicine, but he hopes that these investments in Burgas will expand to other areas, too. He specified that during his visit to the Medical Faculty of the University „Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov ” was also discussed a future cooperation between Bulgaria with Israel, mainly in the field of emergency care and exchange of teachers and students.

Израелският посланик гостува на Диализен център NephroLife в Бургас



The actress from the series „Stolen life“ Desi Bakardjieva joined the „Dream with Desi-When the Stars Dream With You“ charity campaign, organized by Clinic New Life-Plovdiv. The start was given on March 1, and the winners were selected Tsvetnica Holiday.

Yesterday at a special ceremony at the Plovdiv hospital the winners received an in-vitro procedure with stimulation included and one donor egg procedure with 50% discount.

„I was looking forward to reading the emotional stories of couples with reproductive problems because they are very close to  my heart. Each letter is a little inspiration, and I sincerely share the emotions of families and what they really want most.

Just before one of the brightest Easter holidays I want to send to all the message that they have to believe in the power they possess, not to give up and always make the first steps. This is the most important thing – the first steps towards their dreams and desires. Doing  this, the wheel turns around and everything goes in the right direction, „said Desi Bakardjieva.

The actress got acquainted with the winners and handed them certificates for the campaign procedures. They met with the team of the clinic and the doctors who will be near them in the coming months.

„It was not easy to choose the winners. We read the letters very carefully, discussed them with the clinic staff and we unanimously decided that these were the two most inspiring letters to us that really touched us. I believe unreservedly in the team of the clinic and in the couples, and I will keep a close watch on the future results of the procedures. I wish them patience and curiosity in the most wonderful adventure in their lives – to become parents, “ said Desi at the end of the event.




The actress from the series „Stolen life“ Desi Bakardjieva joined the „Dream with the Desi – When the Stars Dream With You“ charity campaign, organized by the New Life Clinic -Plovdiv. The start was given on March 1, and the winners were selected for Tsvetnica Holiday. Yesterday at a special ceremony at the Plovdiv hospital the winners received an in-vitro procedure with stimulation included and one donor egg procedure with 50% discount.

„I was looking forward to reading the emotional stories of couples with reproductive problems because they really touch my heart. Each letter is a little inspiration, and I sincerely share the emotions of families and what they really want most. Before one of the brightest Easter holidays I want to send to all the message that they have to believe in the power they possess, not to give up and always make the first steps. This is the most important thing – the first steps towards their dreams and desires. Once you do it – the wheel turns and everything goes in the right direction, „said Desi Bakardzhieva.

The actress got acquainted with the winners and handed them certificates for the campaign procedures. For their part, they met with the doctors of New Life who would be close to them in the coming months. „It was not easy to choose the winners. We read the letters very carefully, we discussed them with New Life team and we unanimously decided that these were the two most inspiring letters that really touched us. I believe unreservedly in the team of the clinic and in the couples, and I will keep a close watch on the future results of the procedures. I wish them patience and curiosity in the most wonderful adventure in their lives – to become parents, “ said Desi at the end of the event.



The actress donates two in vitro procedures to those who need one
almost 150,000 people in Bulgaria have a different reproductive problem that prevents them from feeling the joy of parenting. The data looks even more startling when we add a large percentage of aging populations and an impending demographic catastrophe.12

Actress Desislava Bakardjieva does not like this unpleasant picture. Early in March, she announced she would donate two in-vitro procedures. All people with reproductive problems can participate in the campaign by sending their letters by 21 April.

„The Bulgarian population is declining and the children go abroad, they do not want to continue their lives in our country.“ The younger generation is not aware of how a woman ends up having an in vitro procedure. In order to go to IVF before adoption many families have not done the relevant research, „said the actress in“ Bulgaria morning „.

One in vitro procedure with stimulation included and the second one is a donor egg procedure with 50 % off, said Desi Bakardjieva. According to her, there are still good people in our country who become donors.

She herself admitted that she had been provoked to go into this noble initiative from the fact that she recently performed a role as a woman with reproductive problems, and people close to her had gone through hell of being unable to become a parent. In addition, she said, extremely many people have told her that they are facing this problem.

„The common is the desire to have a child, a wonderful being to call you mom and dad, which provokes me, even more, to believe in miracles, science and faith must go hand in hand,“ the actress said.


36,6 FOR ME

Take part in the charity campaign “Dream with Desi – When the Stars Dream With You!” by actress Desi Bakardjieva and New Life Clinic.

New Life Clinic donates one free in vitro procedure with stimulation included and an in vitro donor egg procedure with a 50% discount.

Send Desi Bakardjieva and New Life Clinic your personal history, thoughts and feelings as a letter to e-mail: desi@newlifeclinic.bg and you can fulfill your most cherished dream – a home filled with child’s laughter!

The dedication of the loved by all actress Desi Bakardjieva, together with the New Life Clinic in Plovdiv, to the couples with reproductive problems in Bulgaria has prompted the star we know from the tv screen and New Life in vitro center to create the “Dream with Desi – When the Stars Dream with you! ” campaign which will fulfill the dreams of two Bulgarian families by donating one in vitro procedure with stimulation included and an in vitro procedure with donor eggs with a 50% discount. The campaign starts on 01/03/2019 and will continue until 21/04/2019 – Good Sunday. Desi Bakardjieva and the team of the clinic will announce the lucky winners on April 22, 2019.

All those who meet the conditions for the in vitro procedure, as well as the donor egg one, can take part in the initiative. They will have to write a letter in which to share their emotional story. Participants must first learn about the rules for participating in the clinic’s website.
In the week before Easter – one of the brightest family holidays, make your dream come true and embrace the chance to become a parent with the support of Desi Bakardjieva and New Life Clinic.


The campaign is open only to Bulgarian citizens.


Take part in the charity campaign “Dream with Desi – When the Stars Dream With You!” by actress Desi Bakardjieva and New Life Clinic.

New Life Clinic donates one free in vitro procedure with stimulation included and an in vitro donor egg procedure with a 50% discount.

Send Desi Bakardjieva and New Life Clinic your personal history, thoughts and feelings as a letter to e-mail: desi@newlifeclinic.bg and you can fulfill your most cherished dream – a home filled with child’s laughter!

The dedication of the loved by all actress Desi Bakardjieva, together with the New Life Clinic in Plovdiv, to the couples with reproductive problems in Bulgaria has prompted the star we know from the tv screen and New Life in vitro center to create the “Dream with Desi – When the Stars Dream with you! ” campaign which will fulfill the dreams of two Bulgarian families by donating one in vitro procedure with stimulation included and an in vitro procedure with donor eggs with a 50% discount. The campaign starts on 01/03/2019 and will continue until 21/04/2019 – Good Sunday. Desi Bakardjieva and the team of the clinic will announce the lucky winners on April 22, 2019.

All those who meet the conditions for the in vitro procedure, as well as the donor egg one, can take part in the initiative. They will have to write a letter in which to share their emotional story. Participants must first learn about the rules for participating in the clinic’s website.
In the week before Easter – one of the brightest family holidays, make your dream come true and embrace the chance to become a parent with the support of Desi Bakardjieva and New Life Clinic.


The campaign is open only to Bulgarian citizens.


The actress talked about her initiative to help couples with reproductive problems at „Wake Up“

„I will gift an in vitro procedure with stimulation included and a donor egg procedure because there are people who, unfortunately, have reproductive problems but the dream of having a child does not die in them. I very much hope that this initiative will have a meaningful end, „revealed Desi Bakardzhieva in“ Wake up. “

„It is important for me to have more Bulgarians. The latest statistics scared me. I want for Bulgaria to have more children and more families to be happy. It should be known that reproductive health is very important, “ told the actress.

„There is an email posted on my Facebook page where anyone of you can send me a letter to tell their story and why they want a child. I will carry out this initiative in cooperation with a clinic in Plovdiv, for which I am very grateful to Dr. Petrova and all the other specialists. Together we will read the letters and give these two procedures on Good Sunday, „said Desi Bakardjieva.

The actress has revealed that her decision to make this initiative was also influenced by her role in „Stolen life.“ Her heroine in the most successful Bulgarian medical series, Dr. Hinova, has also encountered reproductive problems.

What more Dessy Bakardjieva has told about the initiative, watch the video from Wake Up.

Do not miss the next episodes of „Stolen Life: Love Heals“ from Tuesday to Thursday at 20.00 on NOVA.


Мечтай с Деси


Desi Bakardjieva did something amazing, for which two families will certainly be grateful to her, writes show.blitz.bg. The actress and favorite of the audience from the hit series „Stolen Life“ has achieved one of her long-lasting dreams.

Bakurdjieva donates two in-vitro procedures, thanks to which people who want to have children and can not otherwise. Her act has caused a lot of excitement in the social network where hundreds of people have admired her in minutes. And logically asked a question about the producers of „Stolen Life“ – where is their favorite Dr. Lora Hinova in the new season of the series? We recall that in the new season of „Stolen Life“ the screen heroine of Dessy Bakardzhieva – Dr. Lora Hinova is gone for now, after she has separated with her partner Dr. Mazov. How and when Desi Bakardzhieva will choose the lucky ones to receive in vitro procedures, read at show.blitz.bg
