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Д-р Милен Карагеоргиев


Dr. Milen Karageorgiev – / Obstetrician-Gynecologist /, as part of the team of New Life Clinic.

Dr. Milen Karageorgiev graduated the Medical University of Plovdiv in 2012, and then acquired a specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

As a specialist he has passed a number of medical trainings and congresses in Bulgaria and Europe. In 2015 he obtained a diploma from ESGE in Endoscopy.

Since 2012 he is specializing in UMBAL Plovdiv. He became part of the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of “University Hospital PulMed” in year 2014.
At the New Life Clinic, Dr. Karageorgiev is also working with the National Health Insurance Fund.

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