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In the last few years, Aesthetic Gynecology has gained popularity as a modern and innovative solution to a number of intimate problems. Nowadays, women pay more and more attention to their bodies, having the opportunity to apply new medical practices and procedures for achieving harmony between the desired inner feeling and intimate appearance. Aesthetic Gynecology is not only related to improve the sexual lifestyle, but it regards also to woman’s reproductive and overall health. In addition to that, the way we feel and perceive our body directly affects our emotional health and balance.

Intimate health and Aesthetic Gynecology

Intimate problems can often lead to emotional disturbances and low self-esteem, as a result of which our daily lifestyle changes. Discomfort and problems may occur when walking, inability to exercise, discomfort when wearing tight clothes, reduced sexual activity and painful intercourse.

Present-day medicine relies on surgical and non-surgical options to improve the health of the intimate area and women’s health in general.
By applying the innovative methods of Aesthetic Gynecology structural anatomical defects in the genital area in women of all ages(after childbirth and / or due to age) might be treated.

One of the main advantages of implementation of these new methods is connected with intimate health prevention. Laser procedures do not only treat existing problems, but the procedures themselves applied at an earlier stage prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and subsequent problems like vaginal atrophy, urinary incontinence and prolapse of female genitals.



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