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Development is an integral part of the path we are taking. We maintain a high medical standard and we are always up to date with the latest trends and news applied in world medical practice.

We always strive to stay true to you – our patients. To provide high quality services, reliability and security to all who trust us.

Why NewLife Aesthetic Gynecology?

New methodology and laser treatment are becoming integral part of the Gynecology specialty offering non-invasive and modern methods for diagnosis and treatment of surgical procedures done in operating room until now. By applying these new technics no downtime and post-procedure care is required. One of the main advantages of implementation of these new methods is connected with intimate health prevention. Laser procedures do not only treat existing problems, but the procedures themselves applied at an earlier stage prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and subsequent problems like vaginal atrophy, urinary incontinence and prolapse of female genitals.

At NewLife Center we provide a full range of medical procedures entirely focused on female health.

Our team of experienced and proven specialists is completely dedicated to individual patient care.

Aesthetic Gynecology

Aesthetic gynecology is a highly specialized and rapidly developing new part of the specialty Obstetrics and Gynecology. It offers the most modern, innovative and non-invasive methods to diagnose some gynecological symptoms and problems allowing treatment without a hospital stay or need for anesthesia. Applying this new methodology gives the patient wanted results with minimum recovery period without changing the usual lifestyle. The positive effect after the treatment is visible to the woman after the first procedure and has a lasting therapeutic result.

With the methods of Aesthetic Gynecology we can correct structural anatomical defects in the genital area in women of all ages after childbirth and / or due to age.

Lumenis and FemTouch


For years, Lumenis’ ground-breaking products have redefined medical treatments and have set numerous technological and clinical gold-standards.

The Lumenis® FemTouch™ is an out-patient, minimally invasive, non-surgical, non-hormonal laser procedure, that stimulate new collagen production for healthier tissue.

FemTouch Technology

FemTouch is an innovative CO2 laser technology, enabling to apply precise and controlled laser microbeams on the vaginal lining. This allows stimulation of new tissue growth, by triggering collagen production.

When will I see results?

Typically 3 treatments are needed to achieve the desired outcome on the vaginal lining. In clinical evaluation women reported feeling improvement already after the first treatment.

What can I expect after treatment?

Immediately after treatment you may feel a very mild heat sensation in which case your treatment provider can prescribe a hydrating gel. This sensation usually should not last longer than a few hours.

Intimate procedures related with Aesthetic Gynecology and AcuPulseTM FemTouch
  • tightening of the vagina with loose vaginal walls (cystocele, urethrocele, descent of the vagina)
  • improving vaginal hydration
  • treatment of vaginal atrophy, atrophic vaginitis
  • treatment of urinary incontinence
  • vaginal rejuvenation
  • elimination of genital pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse
  • procedures on the external genitalia – whitening, peeling, vulvar rejuvenation
  • treatment of episiotomy scars after normal birth and other surgical scars
  • better sensitivity of the external genitalia премахване на генитална
  • increase the sensitivity of the clitoris
  • G-spot stimulation – increased sensitivity

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