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A family from Burgas and New Life Clinic donate two in-vitro procedures with the “Wish” campaign

The Ilievi family and New Life Clinic, as partners in the campaign, donate two in vitro procedures with included stimulation of two couples with reproductive problems.

The joint initiative of the Ilievi family and the New Life Clinic starts just before Easter holidays this year on April 27th 2021. and will last until May 31st 2021. The team of the clinic and the couple from Burgas will announce the two lucky couples on June 5th 2021, with the help of their daughter.

The Ilievi family have come a long way in anticipation of the priceless gift to become part of their life. The realization of that dream took a lot of time, but eventually happiness also appeared in their home in the face of the little sun. All the emotional moments over the years have inspired Mariela to create a children’s book “Tour to the Moon with Ari”, the sale of which provided funds for two in-vitro procedures. With the support of New Life Clinic, the couple will donate the collected amount for the procedures of two Bulgarian families. You can watch the whole idea of ​​creating this project in the emotional video of Mariela, which will be shared on our website.

Every couple who meets the pre-announced conditions can participate in the campaign. They will have to write a letter within a sheet / A4 format /, in which sincerely and emotionally to share their own story. First winning couple will be personally selected by Mrs. Ilieva, as the second one will be drawn on a lottery basis by her daughter on the 5th of June, in the presence of a notary and guests at NewLife Clinic Plovdiv.

Every couple has the right to participate, but only the sincerest letter will make their authors’ dream come true. Some of the received letters will be published anonymously on the Campaign’s Facebook profile.

The event will be filmed and uploaded on the most famous video sharing platform Youtube, as well as on the album of the “Wish” campaign on social networks.

Couples with reproductive problems who wish to participate can send their letters to the e-mail address obikolkanalunata@newlifeclinic.bg until 31.05.2021, which is the deadline for receiving applications.

“Supporting and being part of the process of birth of a long-awaited new life, where it is desired but delayed, is our main mission. We are convinced that in a pandemic situation, when the virus takes human lives, giving hope for a new life is something unique. We believe that together we will be able to help and support many people in achieving this dream. Our team works every day to make such dreams come true. We are focused on the individual approach to every couple and what distinguishes us is the personal attitude towards every patient. We express our gratitude to the Ilievi family from Burgas for the support and trust in our specialists – this means a lot to us!”

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