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Urethral stress incontinence is a common problem in middle-aged women, after natural childbirth or due to physiological weakness of the connective tissue.

Stress incontinence occurs when you sneeze, cough, laugh, jog, or do other things that put pressure on your bladder. It is the most common type of bladder control problem in women.

In cases of stress incontinence, the muscles in the pelvis can weaken. This makes the bladder dropping down into a position that prevents the urethra to close completely. The result is a leakage of urine.

A number of things can contribute to stress incontinence, some of which are:

  • Overweight
  • Pelvic surgery
  • Estrogen deficiency – in the postmenopausal period
  • Anatomical disorders
  • Pregnancy and childbirth

The disease is progressive – it begins with mild episodic discharge of a small amount of urine and may lead to inability to perform normal daily activities.

Timely treatment and solving this unpleasant symptom is especially important for leading a normal and fulfilling lifestyle.

In Bulgaria, laser therapy of stress incontinence is a new perspective for treatment, gaining more and more popularity.

The non-invasive and regenerative procedures offered by our clinic can deal with all these intimate health problems. With a certain course of treatment, we could restore tightness, aesthetically improve and rejuvenate your body in this area, increase sexual desire and practically to regain what gradually causes time.


During the various stages of live, especially after childbirth and menopause, women can experience a number of medical conditions and problems that cause both discomfort and disturbances. These may include vaginal weakness and dryness, incontinence, scarring, pain during intercourse caused by dyspareunia and general loss of libido. The combination of all these prerequisites can have a profound effect on the ability to lead a full social and intimate life for both you and your partner.

Vulvo vaginal atrophy (VVA) affects up to 80% of post-menopausal women. The symptoms primarily include vaginal dryness, irritation, itching, dysuria, and dyspareunia. These symptoms can adversely affect interpersonal relationships, quality of life and sexual function. The main cause for VVA is a drop in estrogen levels during menopause. The change in estrogen level causes the vaginal lining to become thinner, dryer and less elastic. As the urinary tract is also estrogen dependent and since the urethral epithelium originates from the same embryologic tissue as the vaginal epithelium, women with VVA may also have symptoms such as urge incontinence (UI) or stress urinary incontinence (SUI).


Laser-based technologies and especially fractional CO2 lasers, have been proven to be safe and effective for a range of indications involving tissue remodeling over the past few decades.

Recent scientific literature shows that treatment with fractional CO2 lasers can be used also for treatment of vaginal health related conditions and specifically that it significantly improves symptoms of VVA in post-menopausal women.

In addition to symptoms improvement, histological data indicate that fractional CO2 lasers cause a thickening and a restoration of the vaginal mucosa.

Intimate health


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