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   +359 32 693 693
мъж и жена която минават през ICSI процедура



At New Life Clinic, we bring your dreams to life!

On the occasion of our 10th anniversary and the approaching Christmas holidays, we are giving away an ICSI procedure to every couple who joins our egg donor program.
Campaign period: November 1 – December 12

For more information and to register, contact us at:
phone number: +359 87 615 44 31 or
email: ivanova@newlifeclinic.bg

Give love a chance to become life!



Prevention is the best defense! Don’t delay – check yourself now!


Gynecological exam and ultrasound of mammary glands with Dr. Neli Doneva and Dr. V. Zefov at a special package price of BGN 120.

Campaign period: 15.09.24. – 15.10.24

Package price for:

Examination at a gynecologist:

– Initial exam

– Ultrasound – Cytosmear


Ultrasound of mammary glands:

– Early detection of breast cancer

– Peace of mind for your health

Take care of yourself and book your appointment today!

Contact phone: 032 693 693

д-р Д. Петрова


Especially for the readers of “Doctor”, Dr. Petrova explained the factors for achieving a successful pregnancy.

Dr. Petrova, when should a couple seek help from a reproductive medicine specialist?

When a couple has regular unprotected sex and the woman is young (up to the age of 36), but no spontaneous pregnancy occurs within a year and a half, then the couple should see a specialist in reproductive medicine without further delay. When a woman is over 36 years old with no pregnancies to date or younger than this age with a previous pregnancy in attempts for a second child, and no pregnancy has occurred within these six months, she should also see a specialist in reproductive medicine. I specify that a consultation does not mean in all cases to start an in vitro procedure. First, necessary diagnostic tests will be assigned to the couple, and only then will the chances of spontaneous pregnancy or the need for assisted reproduction be assessed.

I guess it’s not just the woman who goes to this examination?

Yes, it’s good to have both. But given the commitment of people, often the ladies arrive alone for the consultation. Of course, they carry all the medical documentation from the preliminary examinations and tests, including the man’s spermograms. In most cases, however, both of them arrive because they are both going to make a baby. There are also people who at this stage do not want a child, but wish to be responsible and know the status of their childbearing possibilities. In these cases, we recommend that the woman, on the third day of her period, have sex, thyroid hormones, and the most important – anti-Müllerian hormone, which are used to determine the ovarian reserve. The first recommendation for the man is to have a spermogram. The requirements before the examination itself are 3 to 5 days of sexual abstinence, no alcohol intake during these days and no antibiotic intake in the last month. These primary studies can give us direction in most cases why pregnancy does not occur.

Do you advise couples to change something in their lifestyle that prevents pregnancy?

In a conversation with the couple, it is established which are the lifestyle factors that prevent pregnancy. It strikes me that after sexual contact very often young women immediately go to the bathroom to wash themselves. And in fact, they have to lie down for a certain period of time. Fertility is also adversely affected by the excessive consumption of carbohydrates and the associated obesity. In reality, a very large percentage of young Bulgarians have this problem. Other factors in this category are the use of alcohol, smoking and drugs.

Do the drastic diets that most women undergo prevent pregnancy?

In Bulgaria, it is always fashionable to follow a diet, but not to learn to eat properly. It is very important that we, the doctors, explain to the woman that it is not good to starve for two weeks before the summer vacation in order to look good in a swimsuit. And he must learn to eat wholesomely. The most important meal is breakfast, because in the morning everyone’s insulin rises, which leads to brain hypoglycemia. However, the Bulgarian woman is used to starving or eating only salads in order to lose weight. With such a diet, the stomach is filled with water and minerals, but the brain is starved. Eating should be varied and balanced enough so that the brain does not make large margins between hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, but maintains a glycemic plateau that will also regulate appetite during the day. If women learn to eat often, but little, for example four times a day, this guarantees good health and a nice figure. Do you research vitamin and mineral deficiencies in couples? Mandatory. In one consultation, in addition to sex hormone tests, a spermogram and a picture of the fallopian tubes, the levels of vitamin D3 and vitamin B12 are examined. They are extremely important vitamins not only for getting pregnant, but also for the proper development of the fetus during the first three months. In my clinical practice, I have found that women suffer massively from deficiencies of beneficial micronutrients because they do not eat well. There are foods that can be used to maintain normal levels of vitamins and minerals without taking supplements. But if they only eat patties and bosa or are starving, they feel full but haven’t had a full meal. It would be very good for them to learn to eat a slow carbohydrate in the morning. There is nothing wrong, in the tradition of Bulgarian culture, to eat stuffed peppers or sarmi, which contain rice, i.e. carbohydrates, for lunch. For an afternoon snack, it is good to eat a fruit or a few raw almonds. And for dinner, focus on light protein – fish or some meat with a salad. If you eat only salad, there is nothing wrong with adding two boiled eggs and olives. They will ensure completeness and balance of the dinner. It strikes me that in our country people do not drink the necessary amount of water.

When should you start assisted reproduction?

If a woman has bilateral tubal obstruction, her only way to get pregnant is through an in vitro procedure. If everything is fine with the woman – tubal patency, hormonal status, as well as the man’s spermogram is good, and both are young people, then insemination begins. By protocol, up to four are made. If even then pregnancy is not achieved, the case of sterility is treated with an unexplained factor and an in vitro procedure is carried out. The third option is when everything is fine in the woman, while in the man two of the four parameters of the spermogram are reduced. In this case, we have a male factor for sterility, and then we go back to the in vitro procedure.

What is an in vitro procedure nowadays?

The woman goes through hormonal stimulation with injections for about 12 days. These are hormones normal to the human body that the body produces anyway. After that, a puncture of the follicles is performed under complete venous anesthesia and ultrasound control. It is good to remove more than four eggs during the puncture. Follicular fluid is given to embryologists, where they look for cumulus complexes. The male secretes material into a cup, which is processed by embryologists. The most viable spermatozoa are selected and the egg cells are fertilized under a microscope, under high optical magnification. The injected eggs are placed in an incubator for several days. Between the third and fifth day after the puncture, the successfully fertilized and dividing egg (embryo) is placed in the woman’s uterine cavity. This is what we call embryo transfer, which is a painless manipulation. The last and most difficult stage is the 12-14 day wait for a blood test and, accordingly, whether pregnancy has been achieved. People need to understand that the human body is a whole and that every system and function is important in achieving pregnancy. It is important whether or not there is a vitamin deficiency, the genetics of the woman and the man, the gynecological status. Also the immunological status, how the metabolism works, what is the amount of fat in the body. With all this in mind and proper preparation done, we can expect success from the in vitro procedure. The procedure itself will not solve the problem if the future parents have not prepared their bodies. The human organism is a wonderful machine that works without fail and as long as we have been told when we have taken care of its health.



“NEW LIFE” CLINIC celebrated its tenth anniversary on the children’s day – June the first.

During these 10 years, the center established itself as one of the leading reproductive centers in our country, helping thousands of couples realize their dream of having a child.

The birthday was celebrated with a party for the children conceived through assisted reproduction methods. Hundreds of children and their parents from all over the country arrived in Plovdiv to be part of the event and expressed their gratitude to the team that made their most cherished dream come true. The happening was more than special and had a great emotional charge for the entire team of the clinic. Many surprises, games and entertainment were provided for all present.

The celebration of the anniversary continued with an evening cocktail, which was honored by friends, colleagues and partners of the clinic. The ladies of the charming “Soprano” trio took care of the good mood of the evening.

“Over the years, we have helped many families to realize their dream of having a child. We have been following the Israeli practice as virtuosos in modern medicine for the last 10 years.

We are the first and still the only clinic in Bulgaria that transferred know-how from Israel and applied it successfully – this is evident from our extremely high results in the field of reproductive medicine. We sincerely thank all our patients for their trust and support! With strong motivation, dedication and professionalism, we will continue to work for the cause – more couples with reproductive problems to embrace their dream baby. We promise that in the coming years we will make dreams come true!”

Пожелай си


“Wish” campaign is our mission, turned into a tradition! It is our Christmas hope!
Thanks to it, several Bulgarian families have already fulfilled their dream – to become parents!
“Wish Campaign 2024” will be under the moto “The Tradition I Want to Pass On.”

Which family tradition would you like to keep and pass on to your children?

All interested couples will need to submit a photo of their favorite Christmas tradition that they want to pass on to their child.
The campaign will be held on our Facebook page from 01.12 to 22.12.2023 when all the participants will send their letters to wish@newlifeclinic.bg.
Each couple will be individually shared and described. The two photos that arouse the most interest and likes will each win one in vitro procedure with included stimulation. The winners will be announced on Midwife Day – January 21, 2024.
We wish everyone success!



  • If your dreams need help
  • If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for more than a year and it’s not happening
  • If for some reason having a baby is not happening

Do not despair, but seek help or advice from specialists in the field!

Dr. D. Petrova and Dr. D. Davidova will perform free reproductive consultations on 17.11, with a pre-booked appointment at: 0879 084 777

Address: Burgas, Transportna St. (behind MOL Plaza)

Гинекологичен Репродуктивен Пакет



Because prevention is IMPORTANT!

✅gynecological examination

✅ echography

✅ analysis of cytological material or microbiology

💰💳 total price – BGN 50.

👉To contact us and reserve an appointment:

☎️032 693 693 – for the city of Plovdiv ☎️056 55 55 99 – for the city of Burgas


Dear friends,

We share part of our official opening of the New Life School for Future and Present Parents – Burgas.

It will be held twice a month in the renovated hall of the clinic in the seaside town, next to MOL Plaza.

Our goal is to give confidence to future parents, to help them with useful information about everything that awaits them during pregnancy, birth and the first care of the newborn. For many of them, this moment has been dreamed of and awaited for a long time, and it is only natural step our support and connection to continue even after the arrival of their baby. The school is completely free, as the upcoming topics will be published on our Facebook page of the clinic in Burgas.

We are expecting you!

Нашата сбъдната мечта



Please familiarize yourself with the terms of the campaign:

1. Organizer of the campaign: SMCG “New Life”
2. Campaign period: 01/06/2023 – 30/06/2023
3. Rules and GENERAL CONDITIONS for participation in the campaign “Our dream come true” – 9 years NewLife Clinic

Eligibility to participate in the campaign:
All willing parents whose children are affiliated with NewLife Clinic are eligible to participate in the campaign

  • Children born by the ART method
  • Women who followed up their pregnancy with usHow to participate:
    Send your photo to dream@newlifeclinic.bg to participate in the 2024 calendar – “Our dream come true” – 9 years NewLife Clinic

The photo selected for participation must be of good quality, giving your express consent for it to be used for the purpose of making a calendar and to be published on social media and the clinic website.

Photo Requirements:

There should be no advertising elements in it
Photos showing fully nude children will not be published.
To the letter, please add: Three names of the child, date of birth – age, city of residence, contact phone number and current e-mail address.

Participation Declarations:
By sending a letter to participate in the campaign or by sending it electronically to the specified address, the sender declares:

a/ that he is familiar with the rules and general conditions of participation, agrees with them and undertakes to comply with them;

b/ that he voluntarily provides his personal data for participation in the campaign and agrees that his data will be stored and processed by the organizer for the purposes of the campaign;

Running the campaign
All children’s photos will be included in the NewLife Clinic Calendar, and those with the most votes will also become the face of a specific month

The campaign started on June 1, 2023 and will continue until June 30, 2023. Until that date, you can send your photos to our e-mail address dream@newlifeclinic.bg, and we will share them on our social networks. Until 20.07.2023, we will give the opportunity to vote for each photo, and those who arouse the greatest interest will be faces of a specific month.

All eligible photos will be included in the calendar!
The campaign will be conducted on the clinic’s official Facebook page.

https://www.facebook.com/Invitronewlife / http://newlifeclinic.bg

Rights of the organizer:
5.1. the organizer unilaterally determines the rules for participation in the campaign and has the right to supplement and amend them at its discretion at any time during the campaign without bearing any responsibility to the participants.

5.2. the organizer has the right at any time to suspend the conduct of the campaign without bearing any responsibility to the participants, as well as to terminate the participation of a participant who does not meet the conditions for participation in the campaign and/or does not comply with the rules for its conduct.

5.3. the organizer has the right to use the personal data of the participants solely and exclusively for the purposes of the campaign.

Campaign objective:
All funds collected from the sale of calendars will be provided to couples with reproductive problems and in particular to invitro procedures.



Dear friends,
We are happy to announce that our #dermatology #clinic – NewLife Plastic & Dermatolgy – is already opened.
You can rely on our specialists for #examinations, #aesthetic #consultations, a number of #procedures and #therapies.
Dr. Simona Kamberova and Dr. Ipek Karagyul are part of the team of NewLife Plastic & Dermatolgy – Plovdiv, and for the city of Burgas – Dr. M. Stoyanova and Dr. D. Kurtev.
As always, we will be uncompromising in the quality of the services offered.
At your disposal will be the manager of the clinic – Ina Ivanova, who will conduct your initial consultation and guide you to the procedure and specialist you need.