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Dance with me, mommy!

Dear friends, we’ve all read articles about celebrities who bounced back to their pre-pregnancy weight in like 2 weeks. This, however, is hardly possible for the rest of us as few have both a babysitter and a personal trainer and maybe even a personal chef. That is why we’d like to show you some easy at-home exercises which you can do with your baby!

You’ll need a yoga mat/carpet and a baby who can lift their head (4 months old).

1. Baby dancing – this is a very popular form of exercise. Play your favorite music and dance while holding your baby. This is a great warmup for you and your baby will feel very soothed.

2. Baby squats – instead of weights, use your baby. Complete 2 series x 25 repeats.

3. Plank pose – It is better than situps as it engages more muscle groups and won’t give you any neck or back pain. Try doing it in 15-45 sec intervals.

4. Pushups – support yourself on your knees rather than your toes until you get strong enough. Complete 3 series x 25 repeats.

5. Bridges – this is a classic move for your glutes. Complete 3 series x 30 reps.

Do not start working out before your Obstetrician Gynecologist gives you the green light. Nobody expects you to look like a supermodel right after you’ve given birth. Love your post-natal body with all of its imperfections as it is a reminder that you’ve given life to another human being.

Pregnancy and Endometriosis

Dear friends, today we would like tell you about a gynaecological condition known as endometriosis and its impact on fertility.

Endometriosis is a condition whereby tissue from the lining of the uterus (called the “endometrium”) migrates outside the uterus which leads to pain and bleeding during menstruation at the sites of the endometrial outgrowth(s).

Fortunately for the women in reproductive age, suffering from endometriosis, the condition does not necessarily mean infertility, but simply more difficulty getting pregnant. Many women manage to conceive naturally. The more severe the endometriosis, the more difficult it is to get pregnant. Endometrial tissue can clump around the ovaries or the fallopian tubes, which can prevent ovulation and / or fertilization. In these cases, surgical removal of these clusters is made, which facilitates pregnancy.

A combination of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and intrauterine insemination is a possible solution. After a few unsuccessful attempts (the number is determined by the treating obstetrician-gynecologist depending on your individual situation), it is time to consider in vitro fertilization.

Although 1 in 10 women of reproductive age suffers from endometriosis, not many people have heard of this condition because it is not life-threatening. At the same time, it has a negative impact on the personal as well as the professional life of those affected by it. We need to learn to understand women struggling with endometriosis every day because they are more than we imagine and they are everywhere.

Your questions

Dear friends,

If there is a topic of special interest for you or someone close to you, please share it with us! We will research the topic thoroughly and post an article on it, which we hope will answer your questions.

There are thousands ofinteresting articles on the internet on topics related to conception and pregnancy. However, not many of them are backed scientifically or empirically.The purpose of the articles we post for you is to present the most useful and interesting information from our practice at New Life in a popular language that is easy to understand.

Do Male Hormones Affect Your Chances of Getting Pregnant?

Dear friends,

We are bringing to your attention another interesting publication which will challenge your current knowledge about the male hormone testosterone.

As any woman trying to conceive knows, female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are key to female fertility.

And while most women think of unsightly facial hair or acne when they hear about testosterone in females, it turns out that androgens – or male hormones – have a more important and positive role to play in the female body.

A study published in a reputable USA journal claims that male hormones, especially testosterone, seem to promote the growth of follicles, responsible for containing and eventually releasing mature eggs. Male hormones also prevent the follicles from dying at an earlier age. Therefore, women with lower-levels of these hormones as well as those who have reduced numbers of male hormone receptors may have a smaller number of follicles as a whole as well as follicles that die before the egg has a chance to mature and be released.

The bottom line of this study and others that followed is that male hormones can positively affect your chances of getting pregnant if they are in balance with your female hormones.

REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU READ IN ANY ARTICLE, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR TREATING GYNECOLOGIST (IVF SPECIALIST) BEFORE TAKING ANY NEW SUPPLEMENT! They have the knowledge and tools to decide whether the supplement in question may be helpful in your case. Good luck with your treatment!

There are thousands of interesting articles on the internet on topics related to conception and pregnancy. However, not many of them are backed scientifically or empirically. The purpose of the articles we post for you is to select the most interesting and useful information for you and present it in a popular language that would be easy to understand.

Day of Reproductive Health

On June 10, 2017 at the Cultural Center “Sea Casino” in Burgas took place the 12th annual Day of Reproductive Health, organized by Association Zachatie in favor of people with reproductive issues.

This year the main focus of the event were the new achievements in reproductive medicine which bring patients closer to their dream of having a child. Specialists from 14 IVF centers took part in the event, one of the being New Life Fertility Center. The event started off with presentations, discussing innovations in the treatment of infertility. After the presentations, patients had the opportunity to consult with top specialists from all over the country completely free of charge.

New Life’s medical director dr. Dobrinka Petrova conducted a number of consultations, answering all the burning questions that patients had for her.

Can I afford IVF?

Dear friends,

We know that the cost of IVF is a hindrance for many of you in the pursuit of your dream to become parents. However, it is also important to remember that the success rate of IVF is much higher for women below 35 and therefore 1 IVF cycle done on time is better than more cycles done late. The purpose of this article is to inform you of all the external sources of funding for assisted reproductive procedures. Read More